Poetry Samples

Harleen Serai
2 min readJan 9, 2024


When I was in college, I dabbled a bit in writing poems. I gave up because I wasn’t very good and life took me in a different direction. In 2021 when words started flowing again, it came as a surprise to me. But this time, it felt different. The words continue to flow, and I faithfully record them. Spend time with them. Revise them.

As an older and hopefully wiser mother of two, I believe I have something unique to say through this medium. My work is largely autobiographical, delving into themes of womanhood, motherhood, and the domestic. These themes intersect with my experiences working in technology and engineering, the economics of being an immigrant and navigating the societal and environmental conditions we face today.

My original source of inspiration is the poetry in Guru Granth Sahib, which I have been exposed to since the beginning. I’ve also drawn inspiration from the works of Sufis/Saint poets like Rumi, Kabir, Mira. More recently, poets such as Lucille Clifton, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Mary Oliver have left their mark on me. And, of course, there will always be Emily Dickinson.

Below are some samples. I would love to hear feedback if anything resonated with you.

Sample poem about domestic life:

Sample poem about motherhood:

Sample poem about Technology

Attempt at mystic poetry



Harleen Serai

I am an engineering manger in silicon valley, passionate about good leadership and diversity in tech. I am an avid reader and my favourite genre is fantasy.